I purchased this book
to enable my DS to be able to give me something
What a mistake that was! After all the comments and reaction to the book on various blogs I was really looking forward to going through it.
It is simply a reprint of their previous book (which I already own)
with a new cover, 24 additional pages, 3 patterns omitted & 22 new patterns (2 of which are the peacocks & another the butterfly edging frivole blogged about)!
I personally feel this is wrong - it should have just been issued as a reprint or even an updated reprint.
I suppose why I am so annoyed by it is that I was right - my "DH" didn't bother at all so the grand total of my birthday can be summed up as a card from my DS & a book I already have!!!!!!!!!!!
On a much more positive note ............ THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your birthday wishes on facebook - it has really brightened a very poor day.
Hopefully a more positive blog will resume in the near future.
PS. I really would appreciate some help with the question I posed yesterday.

Oh, dear. You have my most sincere sympathy. I wish you a very happy birthday, and hope your husband does something spectacular to make up for it.
Well Happy Birthday!
I bought this book recently. I had almost bought the original version only a couple of weeks before the new edition came out. I was so glad that I didn't in retrospect. Not having the first edition, I really like the second edition.
I would use 1 1/4". that must be about right. What is the pattern?
Yes, it does seem a bit of a swizz that the book is essentially the same as a previous one. I hope the year ahead is a good one for you, even if the start wasn't great!
Could you do some experiments re the picots? Tat some in an arbitrary size 40 thread and some in size 20 and measure them? I don't think you can guess, and I'm a believer in making samples.
Yes, it does seem a bit of a swizz that the book is essentially the same as a previous one. I hope the year ahead is a good one for you, even if the start wasn't great!
Could you do some experiments re the picots? Tat some in an arbitrary size 40 thread and some in size 20 and measure them? I don't think you can guess, and I'm a believer in making samples.
Yes, I made the same mistake...now I own both books. But the peacocks are very nice.
I really like the second edition. Sorry you didn't think you got your money's worth on the improvements/changes. How was the REST of your birthday?
You can add me to the growing list of those who ended up with both versions of the book... Yes, I was somewhat peeved as well. I'm so sorry that your birthday was a bust! May there be many happy moments to make up for it in the coming year.
Happy belated birthday, must be something catching mine was not much better.
I brought the new book and I think I would feel the same if I already had a previous book and found it had the same patterns I would be angry. If they reprint a book then it should at least have the same cover and not make it look like a band new book.
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