Anyway, finally on Friday I had one of those days where everything was right (finally). I had seen another pot-luck lot on eBay the week before - it was decribed as "YOU ARE BIDDING FOR A JOB LOT OF SEWING ACCESSORIES, COTTONS ETC. IT IS ALL THAT CAN BE SEEN IN THE PHOTO." and the photo was as below.
Now if you look very carefully in centre left, near the bobbin of sewing thread I spied what I decided could be a tatting shuttle. Basing my hunch on this and that the tangled mess that looked like tatting, I thought it was worth a chance and decided to bid the princely sum of nearly £3 (about US$4.50). To cut a long story short (well at least shorter, LOL) I got the lot for 99p (~US$1.43) + p&p, which was a grand total of £3.98 (~US$5.85) as no-one else bid. It arrived on Friday in a shoe box, which when opened revealed a tangled mess of thread & tatting. After over half an hour of untangling this is what I found.
A couple of fine crochet hooks, a thimble & several offcuts of material.....

.....a whole lot of pieces of edgings and insertions.....

......... various balls of thread........

...a lovely doily....

.....and TA-DAH (drum roll)......not one....

........not two........

....not three.........

........not four........

....................not five (and an Aero England in its packet!!!!!)..........

...........................but six shuttles and the cherry on top - another Aero England still in its packet.

I just sat there with my mouth open (it must have looked a sight LOL) - I simply adore Aero England shuttles, they are what I learned to tat with and no matter how hard I try I just cannot like the non-bobbin type (eg Clover) shuttles - so as you can imagine I was (and still am) in seventh heaven.
Congratulations to you, Trayna! What a find! Lucky you and lucky that the tatting went to a good home! I love hearing stories like that! Enjoy your "new" shuttles! :)
What a wonderful surprise! I'm so envious! I like that green shuttle.
Congratulations. WHAT a find!!! I've gone a delicate shade of GREEEEN!!!!
How great was that? Priceless! I love my English Aeros (courtesy of JE). I really like the dark colored shuttle,too. I'm so tickled on your behalf; what a nice surprise.
I bid on a lot once, and the joke was def. on me...rusted needles, and deteriorating empty packets that once held never knows. But it did have 3 cards of very old pearl buttons; and, THAT was what I actually wanted! So not a total loss; but, grossly misrepresented. LOL
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