LOOK what I found in OUR garden last night - isn't it just adorable! WE already have squirrels (but unfortunately grey ones not red) and now we have a hedgehog too!!!

Just look at that little foot! Unfortunately the flash scared it so I'll have to be much more careful in future!!
How Cute!!! A hedgehog photo-how perfect for a lace blog! :)
Adorable! I have never seen a "wild" hedgehog before! I hope he sticks around and gets over his camera shyness.
I REALLY hope he/she sticks around too - I've also never had a "wild" hedgehog before. Lets hope it is the start of many!!!!
Love it! I'm sure it will know it is with a lacemaker and it's okay to be friendly with you!
Aw... So cute!!! I have been telling mom I want to get one as a pet, but they are not imported to PR. :-( But I think they are adorable!
lovely!and great pictures!!! compliments
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