First I tatted some earrings based on this post from Krystle and Jane's post here. Thread is Lizbeth Jelly Bean.

And then I did one of Karey's snowflakes (fish tales) from her book "Let it Snow". Thread is Lizbeth Caribbean

I am SO annoyed - before I started on the exchange butterflies I was working on my own butterfly design but quickly realised that it was far too complex to be made in time for the exchange (loads of clunies and other things)- so I put it down and did ones for my three exchange partners. Now, I've finished I thought I'd go back to my butterfly - can I find my drawing? NO! And boy am I p****d! I was really happy with it (the first time this has ever happened with my own design) and thought that maybe I could even go so far as to publish this one! I have the actual tatting that I had started but cannot find the drawing with the actual noted stitch counts on it. I had only done 3/4 of one of the 4 wings when I stopped so cannot even recount as more than a 3/4 of the pattern is just missing!!!!
Anyway on to more pleasant thoughts........look at what I found wandering about with "タティングレース" in google
look at this doily
Isn't that simply stunning!! If you look at the categories section (カテゴリー) on the left and then into "編み物" which incidentially translates as "knitting" you'll find the tatting and see some other stunning pieces.
Very pretty earrings and snowflake. Shame you have lost the pattern for the butterfly, it will turn up in the most unexpected place. I also like that pattern on my sisters website, used it loads of times.
Oh these are stunning!! Wow girl!! Beautiful work! Sarah
Lovely darling! great colors on those earrings!
Love that doily! can't wait to see your flutters. We all seem to be missing things at the moment - I couldn't find a folder I need for a lace meeting tonight! Must be some planet in retrograde!
Those are pretty earrings, Trayna! Nice job on the snowflake, too!
Great work on the earrings and snowflake! And I checked out the doily - wow!
Thank you all kind people for your very generous comments - it really is appreciated!
Now all I've got to do is remember which butterfly I sent to which person!!!!!!!!!
Love the color in your work. Love tatting. I'd love to learn sometime.
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